Dear BFK Supporters,
If you go onto this site and look for a place to order Bibles for Kenya, we're letting you know that this is still a work in progress. I am getting requests for how to purchase such bibles, but we are working and partnering with "Biblica Kenya" and they are updating their own website. They are excited about this enterprise and are working on creating a widget for us so that you can order bibles for the brothers to pick up in Kenya, so please be patient with us. In the meantime, we covet your support with your prayers for this move of God in Kenya as we continue to post so many of these amazing stories of what our Lord Jesus Christ is doing in this beautiful land. We also ask that you sign up as "followers" or by email so you won't miss anything and will also be updated as to our progress. And please feel free to offer your comments, be it prayer, praise, observations or questions, to the postings. In this way, you will enrich our website tremendously.
Thank you so much,
This site is dedicated to the simple-church planters of Kenya who are drenched in the Spirit of God, totally in Love with Jesus Christ, and determined to plant simple-churches throughout and beyond the land of Kenya where Jesus Christ is the Head and Chief Attraction of their meetings together. And they need Bibles to fan the flame of God's Eternal Purpose for the land of Kenya!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
This is one of Jimmy's first reports of their first meeting, Early-Church Style, in Kenya that was written August 13, 2009. I remember this first report and how I thrilled with the news! Little did I know how fast this fire would spread. One brother referred to these believers and their new-found joy in meeting simply around the Lord Jesus Christ alone as "Foxes on Fire!" I love that! I picture these foxes with their tails on fire spreading the news of Jesus Christ throughout Kenya and Africa, and to our own shores here in America. Since this initial report, Jimmy has planted 23 such "fired-up" fellowships and there is a team of like-minded, like-passioned fellow workers who are also planting such fellowships; and these beloved workers, these "foxes on fire," do need Bibles. The picture above is not of that meeting but of a more current one, but I thought it a good fit. Here's Jimmy's report of that first meeting:
The fire has begun in Kenya .
(Note: This is exactly what happened. We were given a lead on a brother by the name of Roger Thoman, a simple-church planter and trainer, who often went to Kenya. We contacted Roger and he met with the brothers in Kenya. Roger's website is listed on our favorite websites as "Apple Seed Ministry.") Once again I want to sincerely thank you for standing with us in prayer last week when I requested for the same. I had no idea how our first
I had asked favor from the Holy Spirit to help me not speak against the established church or going personal on any issue in this very important meeting. The Spirit led us! When we sang “Amazing Grace”, (which to me now is an anthem for sinners) everybody just stood and then knelt. We all wept so bitterly without anyone’s influence but the Holy Ghost Himself. He convicted us without any man’s or woman’s hand. This went on for over 45 minutes. We then held each other’s hands and just prayed for one another! It was so enriching. My goodness, this is what we had been looking for, some of us for so many years! There wasn’t any interruption. After this, Madam Priscah (a colleague) stood and read this scripture-2Cor 11:20-21 “In fact you put up with anyone who enslaves you or exploits you or takes advantage of you or pushes himself forward or slaps you in the face. To my shame I admit that we were too weak for that.”
This part of scripture came with so much force; the voice so clear, that the Lord had started a movement in this house, that will lead to a Revolution in the body of Christ in
Since schools had closed for the August holidays, I traveled to Kitui via
I read about two young people staying with Jon Dale in the
Dear God’s people, When the love of God engulfs our souls, we are able to share with anyone, anywhere. In this photo, church planters meet on the road Mr. Sanga Maulidi, a police officer of corporal level. He’s rushing somewhere but he stops for a few minutes. After hearing about the home church, the Holy Spirit convicts him and he gives his life to Christ there besides the road. He did not care who was looking at him and his rank in the police force. He said he had refused going to the institutional churches following abuses and lack of love that go on there. He said house to house church was the right way of fellowship. He will be baptised next week. Reporting, Brother Jimmy Ndruruchi. |
Prophesy from a prophetess: 20 years of prayer now answered!
Dear God's people, The Spirit of the Lord did not limit this visit to us. He spoke to a woman in Eldoret, a prophetess known as Ann Wangoi. She lives in Eldoret (300 kilometres from Nairobi towards the western end as one goes to Uganda). We set off from Nairobi to the Mount Kenya region as she set off from Eldoret. We met at the exact time the Spirit had revealed to her that we would meet. That was so amazingly accurate. Her words came with fire; they caused a burning in our hearts. I could see women crying as they listened to her speak, not loudly, but gently and powerfully. She said that she has been praying for this time for 20 years and it has finally come to pass. About three weeks ago, a brother from the UK, Andy Swatton, was given a word from Zephaniah 3. This sister echoed that word, a confirmation that indeed the Spirit had talked to Andy that morning. She prophesied about the work that was going on and the explosion that was taking place in Kenya. She prophesied that people would come from around the world to learn from Kenya; that God has chosen this country to bring to pass His purposes for the church. She reminded us to keep ourselves holy because the day of His coming is at hand. Oh what a privilege to hear God’s word from His chosen, anointed vessels! Reporting, Brother Jim Nduruchi. |
When we were leaving for the Mount Kenya region four days ago, I ran on this net and sent you email asking for your prayers. I want to sincerely thank you for the faithfulness to pray for us. I want to report and testify that all of your pleas were heard and immediately answered by our loving Lord. Jesus once again proved that He is both Lord, Saviour and King. We witnessed His love and power. We saw captives set free in His name.
By His grace we planted 10 house churches in Othaya and Murang’a. We matched them in a home on afternoon Sunday for a mighty celebration of liberty, testimony time and networking. I have attached a picture of our convergence fellowship on this email. I have split my report into several items, with each episode being explained by pictures. Please enjoy the report and join us in thanking the God of heaven for making this possible. A revolution has indeed begun in Kenya, just as the Holy Spirit had prophesied.
Your fellow labourer,
Brother Jimmy Nduruchi
Monday, April 4, 2011
Islam is growing at an alarming rate in Kenya and the whole Africa . They are taking advantage of poverty here, and offering relief especially amongst the poorest of the poor in rural and slum areas. To ice their campaign, they are giving out free Korans in their thousands and people are taking them. Their lies are spreading fast. The disunity in the assembly of Christ is fuelling their machinations. The biggest boon in their hands is the ignorance in the Word of God that reigns in the minds of mostly Kenyan poor and African poor as a whole. They have the zeal for God but they don’t read the Bible because they simply cannot afford one. They will be seen at church taking notes, and nobody ever asks how they will get to study those things. The situation is pathetic.
Now, about the Islamic threat: should we keep quiet and “leave it up to God”? Or should we become fundamentalists and chase them down killing them? Or should we lock our countries and streets and homes that they should not enter? In all of the above, the answer is NO! The only thing that we can do as members of the Assembly of Christ, lovers of the gospel that brings liberty, is to challenge their zeal by also getting Bibles to as many people as we can, especially the poorest of the poor.
Just over a month back, I was praying and found myself praying so earnestly for Bibles for God’s precious people. This came after a relatively educated woman wondered when I said Elisha’s dead and dry bones rose someone from the dead. She did not have a Bible. The moment I saw the wonderment on her face, I developed a yearning for Bibles for the people like her and prayed to God for this provision. When I finished praying, my brother and partner in the gospel, Tom Henry Barasa, took up and prayed for long with many tears. About two weeks later, I posted a photo of one of our simple churches, and to my amazement, my friend Clark Wade from the Crescent City in California write back asking why the people were not having Bibles. I instantly knew the Holy Spirit was at work.
Your Brother,
Jimmy Nduruchi.
It has been a long journey before arriving where we are at now. In 30 minutes we’re off to Mount Kenya region for a three-day simple church planting mission. It’s the first time we’re using our answered prayer; our mission car. We’re so excited about what the LORD has promised to do. Please. Remember us in prayers. The field is indeed ready. The labourers are only few.
Off to the vineyard,
Brother Jim Nduruchi
Friday, March 25, 2011
Isaiah 60:2—For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee.
My dear Brothers and Sisters,
This scripture was quoted by an illiterate old widow known as Christina Etoo (I have attached her picture on this email). Christina is about 78 years old. In one photo is her three bedroomed house, good enough for a widow at her age. One counts themselves lucky in Africa to have this kind of a house. But Christina chose to donate this house to small children (mostly HIV/AIDS orphans) to be used as a learning centre and build herself a little house (in the picture), where she now lives, filled with so much grace, prayer and love for the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Meeting this woman only reminds you of great Shunamite woman and those early great women of faith from Galilee, who left everything and followed and ministered to Christ and did not give up ministering unto Him even after His death; had gone on a Sunday morning just to do it again, now to a dead, smelly body, when they met an angel, who preached the first Sunday morning sermon to them. These indeed were blessed women. One of their type is alive in Kenya today. Christina Etoo is her name.
Christina lost her husband 5 years ago. She had been in the Salvation Army church her whole life, where she had had no means to reach Christ due to all those commands and hierarchies. They were keener on the money she was expected that give than her soul, according to her testimony. She later moved to “Deliverance Church” where she was well received, but all they preached was “plant the seed”. She gave her two cows to a pastor, who sold them immediately and put the money on other use. It appears to have offended her because she wanted the milk from the cows to be used to feed children in an orphanage run by the ministry. One night the LORD clearly spoke to her in a vision that she should go back to her house because He was there waiting for at the door. The following Sunday at church, there erupted another scandal involving money. That night the LORD was more explicit, telling her that He was not in any of those churches around, but was at home, in her house, waiting for her. Christina finally obeyed and remained at home, fellowshipping alone with a few kids that would not go to church with their parents.
When she heard about the house church, a cool breeze swept through her soul. She felt a fulfilment for her vision. She embraced it whole heartedly and two families joined her. When I was there last weekend, they were now 17 members. They are filled with the fire for Christ and love for others. The pastors have been persecuting them, calling them names. But they are united in faith, beneath the cross of Calvary. The Holy Spirit is teaching them and leading them. I shall be going back there for leadership training.
These are the remnants. The LORD must have His way even in the wildest apparition. Heaven has not gone bankrupt. Our God still has people worshipping Him in Spirit and truth.
Your Brother Jim.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
(Note: This term, "foxes on fire" was how one brother captured the vision of church-meetings that were born out of community with each other and fellowship with a risen Lord--New Testament style. I think this is an apt description of this first meeting. Your brother for "Bibles for Kenya," Clark)
(Note: This term, "foxes on fire" was how one brother captured the vision of church-meetings that were born out of community with each other and fellowship with a risen Lord--New Testament style. I think this is an apt description of this first meeting. Your brother for "Bibles for Kenya," Clark)
Ten of us organic church planters from different places in Kenya, by the extravagant grace of God met at the Jifahamu Kenya Foundation secretariat on Ngong Road, Nairobi, on Monday the 14th March 2011. These are the names of those who came:
1. Henry Barasa- Nairobi
2. Michael Wanyoike-Nairobi
3. Isaac Mwangi-Nairobi.
4. Zachery Mungai- Nairobi
5. Jim Nduruchi-Nairobi
6. Paul Njagi-Nyeri
7. Dawson Mudenyo-Kitale
8. Joseph Mwangi Marera-Nyeri
9. Paul Thuku Njembui-Nyeri
10. Peter Wachira Kanyi-Nyeri
I must mention this and pay a personal tribute to Brother Paul Thuku Njembui, a 86 year young grandfather, who is moving in the liberty of the New Testament gospel of Christ. This is a great age in Africa, and I thank God for the steady mind that our brother has. I thank God for the wisdom that come through experience, and which he so generously shared with us. May God keep Him and increase him, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
We had many points that we shared as we fellowshipped together, but the highest resolution that we reached was to go out and plant churches. We concluded that each month as we meet, we would each bring a report about what the Lord has done within the 30 days. Each one of us agreed to help plant at least one home church fellowship in a month. At group level, we agreed to support those who have been called into distant lands with prayers and our resources.
We tried to define a movement so that we can understand what entails the “Organic Church Movement” that we all profess to flow with. We discovered, above other things, that a movement is selfless. It has no structures. It has no hierarchies. It is bound by convictions of the heart. Up to about 1700 years back, we had the Early Church Movement that was swallowed by the Roman civilisation. Then in the 16th century, we had the Reformation Movement that was swallowed by Protestantism. In the early 20th century we had the Pentecostal Movement that started on the Azusa Street in Los Angeles. It has been swallowed by Charismatism and the prosperity prospel. All these had their driving force. Now we stand here, with the Organic Church Movement; seeking to go back to the teachings and doings of Christ; to the organic body-life and multiplication that we see in the Acts of the Apostles. Like then, we still shall expect those that come with their stomachs to be filled, of whom Paul warned the church to beware of:
Acts 20v29-31: For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking pervasive things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears (KJV).
So, here we are, on this journey. Africa needs this liberty, perhaps more than any other people. The colonial mentality perpetuated by religious legalism, ignorance of the word of God, witchcraft and poverty and disease, among other maladies that pursue our soul and wrenches the spirit; all these things requires us to get out of our comfort zones, deny ourselves of everything that everybody is seeking after, and put our hands to the plough without looking back, for no man having put his hand on the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God (Mark9v62).
Prayer: Father God, our true friend. The God of Africa and the whole world and the universe. I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that You will come down in Your might and power, and quicken these weak vessels that are seeking to flow in the anointing of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Oh true Father, have mercy upon Africa, Your last born, who is like Benjamin; son of the right hand. Africa the most religious. Africa the most ‘churched’. Please Father, give Africa an opportunity to capture the revelation of Your Son Jesus Christ in its purity, simplicity, unity and multiplicity. Let the fire that You have caused in the political front in the Northern Africa and the Middle East; let that fire consume and engulf Africa in the spiritual front, from Cairo to Cape Town. Energize these ten men and synergise them as they partner with the Holy Spirit. Snatch them of all the religiosity and defiled knowledge that they have received from the minds of men. Let Your pure word permeate their hearts. And let it fall on the corrupt and dry ground, and cause the desert to blossom as a rose. I am looking up to you for everything. I know the world will learn from Africa. For Africa protected the Son from the wicked hands of a wicked king; and Africa carried the cross with the condemned Saviour towards the little hill of shame. Thank You for what You have started. I know you will bring it to fruition. In Jesus’ wonderful name. Amen.
In His Vineyard,
Brother Jim Nduruchi.
(In the response to the above letter from Jimmy, I then asked him how they conducted their business meetings. I was also curious about the brother I saw always reading the scriptures in the meeting. This was Jimmy's response.)
You ask about the “Bible brother” in the photos. His name is Isaac Mwangi, the chief sub-editor at the Nation Media group in Nairobi. Do you remember a brother who wrote articles about tithing, and I sent you and Jack, and you felt that the movement has it’s epicentre in Kenya? That is the brother, Isaac Mwangi! I think he has corresponded with Jack several time, and I gave him The Corinthian Elders, which he likes quoting so much. Brother Roger Thoman has been to his house and fellowshipped with the saints there. Isaac reads a lot and in this meeting he was reasoning in the scriptures about polygamy. We were discussing about how we should handle the issue of polygamy in Africa as we go out. Brother Tom did not see any problem with that, noting that monogamy is not as Biblical as it is part of Western Culture. Isaac firmly held a defence against monogamy, quoting Genesis 1, where God gives Adam one wife.
You have asked about how we conduct our meetings: I should note that this meeting of 10 was a high profile meeting of church planters. Here is where we bring questions and issues that we have been encountering in our work in the church planting business. There are good books on church planting but not written by Africans, therefore the principles therein sometimes are irrelevant to our African situation. Therefore, we ventilate these issues that are uniquely African in such meetings. We really don’t have a chairman for the meeting and our narrowness in discourse helps us to keep on course. We are so sensitive to any intrusions. For instance in this 14th March meeting, I got it rough when I intruded the flow and asked to go out and buy drinks for the brethren. I was rebuked by Brother Paul Njagi for being in the “stomach” as people were busy in the spirit. I had to apologise and get back to my seat.
In the meeting we had two former pastors, who had moved into the organic church planting after a burn-out. Among the 10, only one brother, known as Dawson has been in a Seminary. The rest are virgin and raw.
Your Brother Jim.
When Sister Violet Kageha told her pastor that she’s HIV+, he told his close friends about it and they started gossip. As if this is not enough, he did a sermon the following Sunday about those that break commandments and the damnation that is in store for them. He categorically referred to those who are HIV+, adding that they are a ‘shame to the Lord and to His church’. She felt rejected and wanted to commit suicide. One day she met Sister Mercy Wanjiru, an organic church follower of Christ, who showered the love of God to her. She directed her to me, and when we first met, alas! She was in bad shape. She stank like a skunk; I think she had not showered for four days. But the liberating gospel of Jesus Christ did a marvellous work and a wonder in her. She finally came and found a home in the Kangemi fellowship. Today in this photo she is giving a testimony from her heart about her increased CD count, improved business, more peace in her life and above all, a strengthened testimony in the Love of God through His son Jesus Christ. Please, let us praise the Lord for this sister. Amen.
I asked Jimmy about the nature of these simple-church meetings and how they were conducted and this was his reply. I dearly loved reading about this because I believe it is an apt description of something of the genius and vitality of the church we read in the book of Acts. Thank you Jimmy for taking the time to describe this for us and for painting such a vivid picture.
Just last week, the Holy Spirit helped us to plant the 23rd simple church fellowship in Mushekwe, next to Kitusuru. The 23 simple churches form a bond that is defined by a network, where we exchange information and resources as the Spirit directs. As a network we believe that thinner groups are more conducive to teaching, discipline, discipleship and fellowship and hence we have formed a network of small independent groups but connected through mutual spiritual support through prayer, vision and values. The fellowships are autonomous; there is no central body ‘manning’ these groups. There is no lording it over and I am not a presiding authority on any group. Neither do I draw salary on any of the fellowships. However we seek to maintain a network for encouragement, edification, testimony and fellowship with each other. We have a reunion that we hold twice every year (this year we seek to make them four), when we come together for testimony and good times with the Lord. A lot of good things happen in our reunions.
We don’t call them a “church service” but a fellowship. Each fellowship has between 12 and 30 believers. Due to smallness of homes in Kenya, we have rented places for fellowship and we do not insist on meeting on a Sunday morning, but each fellowship meets at least once in a week. When we meet we adhere to 1 Cor14v26. Every believer brings what the Lord has put into their hearts for the edification of the body of Christ. They don’t come to “listen to the word”; they all come to share and fellowship with each other and enjoy the living presence of the Lord Jesus Christ as the centre of focus. In most meetings, nobody is designated to ‘lead’. The Holy Spirit leads in teaching or bearing testimonies. We have the gift of prophesy and speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. We have prayer for each other and for the sick and the afflicted and those that are not part of the fellowship. Above all, there is worship in songs and prayer, where everybody is involved. These things don’t follow a given order but the prompting of the Holy Spirit. When we fellowship, we don’t look at our watches and we switch off cell phones. We seek to give the Holy Spirit time to do His work with us and in us. When someone has to leave, they do it quietly but this does not happen frequently. When there is need for an organized presentation, a person volunteers to lead or to write down what is being passed. All things are done with sensitivity to the direction of the Holy Spirit.
Africans are informal and simple people. They like talking in something like a chain i.e. one person builds upon what another has said and the thread is build like that, without too much variation and unnecessary detail and contours. Even their songs have simple melodies, but with very figurative words. The IC arrangement of protocols and orders has been pretty alien to them. That’s why they easily adopt to the organic worship without much adjustment. In fact you’ll hear this comment from new-comers after fellowship, “This is it! This is it!!” As children, they are taught folk tales by elderly people around a fire in the cool of the evening. Sitting at the feet of a Living God and listening to Him in an organic church setting is nostalgic and wonderful to them.
We don’t emphasize on giving tithes but giving everything that we have (Acts2v44). We give according to our abilities and we give generously and cheerfully (2Cor9v6-7). Every month we fast for two consecutive meals as we pray for different needs. We give out the money or food that we would have used. These fast offerings are used to feed and meet daily needs of orphans, widows and those that have no means in our midst (Isaiah58v6-9).
COMMUNION This New Testament commandment from the Lord Jesus Christ is taken very seriously in our network. In agreed upon time of the week, up to six believers meet in homes and partake of the sacrament together. We take any solid food for the body and any non-alcoholic liquid for the blood. In most circumstances, we have used bread and water. This forms an important part of bonding in fellowship and getting involved in each other's lives at a more personal level. We do this from house to house and it has been a magnent that drew more people into fellowships; a sure tool for evangelism and maturity in faith. We partake of the Lord’s supper often, either in our common rented meeting houses or in homes where just a few gather together (because of limited space) in the agreed upon time in the course of the week. In these photos, one occasion was in the meeting hall on 6th Feb, 2011 and the other one was last Sunday 20th March, 2011 in Sister Mercy’s house. We try to dedicate most if the day to worshipping the Lord, and therefore after meeting together for fellowship, we break into little groups and go separate ways into designated homes in the direction of the Holy Spirit. While there, we can eat or sing or worship or do scripture study. Above all, these are times to really know each other better and develop strong connections. These times have turned out to be a great evangelistic tool, in that those that come and fellowship taste a new thing and eventually stay. During these times, we get to the basics of the cross and the blood and Gethsemane. The Holy Spirit revealed to us that it should not be a routine like in the IC where just Matt 26v26-27 is read in every sacrament service. He taught us that Matt 26v26-27 was the beginning of His passion and it’s good to remind ourselves about what went on after that for us to understand the atonement well. EVANGELISM Once someone is reached and joins a fellowship, activity starts. They are required to participate through active involvement. We do not encourage people’s growth at their own pace, but we encourage them to exercise their faith through active participation, and as they do it, their gifts are revealed and the once dead hearts blossom as roses. Shyness is dealt with as they are allowed to participate. This enhances self esteem and self identity within the body. One tool that has been effective for evangelism is frequent partaking of the Lord’s Supper in homes. We didn’t know this but we have discovered through experience that it has a bonding that no man can fathom. Surely, every commandment from the Lord was meant for our good. It is always profitable to simply obey. |
Awhile back, I asked Jimmy if he could write-out his testimony for us. I appreciate very much that he took "write-to-it" and sent me the testimony of his spiritual journey. Having read this, I also appreciate even more God"s grace and mercy in his life. To watch this miracle unfold and develop in his life before my eyes was something I shall always remember. I now know that our Lord put certain thoughts in my heart that I didn't think much of at the time but I now recognize as God's amazing providence. I also learned something about the amazing power of "encouragement." There are times Jesus lays it on our hearts to encourage someone in some way and in so doing, what we thought was such a little thing can sometimes have enormous benefit regarding the kingdom of God in that person's life. Here's Jimmy's testimony:
My story
I was born almost 34 years ago in the little village called Kibingei on the Eastern slopes of Mount Elgon, near the Kenya-Uganda border. My father was a pastor in the Pentecostal church, and therefore like any minister’s son, my early life was in the church. I gave my life to Christ at the age of 9 and preached my first sermon at the age of 14. My gift in music and oration endeared me to all, making me an admirable young star. This came with the need to be responsible and be a role model to peers, both at school and home. I was to be more mature than the rest, speak in a given style, walk with a certain type of friends and do everything for others, and not me. In the process I was missing something as a child, being denied a chance to grow up like other kids.
Soon, I would be in the company of pastors. Increasingly, I would get to know the inside story about pastors and their families. Amazingly, I would get to know that money meant for the “work of God” was being misused by pastors. From my own home, I saw faces that my mother had to put up to keep her marriage life high-up and adorable. But behind the scenes, she wasn’t all that she meant others to believe about her marriage life. Then there arose a leadership tussle among pastors and one pastor told me, “Jim, I know you’re young and the hand of the Lord is with you. How I wish you would get your own universe to nurture this that the Lord has put in you, because my fellow pastors will destroy it if the Lord cannot protect it. Please, pray for me because I might be killed by a fellow pastor.” He was an anointed good man, so filled with love and compassion. I did not understand what he was trying to say. Well, three days later the pastors had to attend a conference in Nairobi, 500 kilometres away. The bus had to travel overnight. They took some drinks that evening before setting off. This pastor was poisoned by someone that evening and travelled with poison in his system the whole night. They would not stop because they were to be in Nairobi the following morning. This had been carefully arranged. On reaching Nairobi, he was taken to hospital but it was too late; he died!
I was terribly devastated. I wished I had told more people what he had told me before this happened to him. During this funeral, a sister who was my age, another pastor’s daughter confided in me that she was pregnant and would not join the nursing college because of her condition. She confided that her mother was trying to procure an abortion for her but she wasn’t for the idea. I remember that day so well. We sat in a maize plantation until it rained heavily on us, just discussing the issue. We decided that I should let her parents know that people were already aware of her status. That evening I gained courage and went to let her father know that Gillian was pregnant. To my surprise, he chased me with a machete and almost slashed my feet off. I ran fast for my dear life. Two days later, Gillian fell so sick after taking drugs to get the foetus killed. Her father was not around, so I had an opportunity to help her to the nearest health centre. She told me that her mother wanted the foetus dead by the time her father came back. I led her through repentance (I am sure how I did that) and that evening at 8:00 p.m. Gillian slipped through to the next life.
Later that year, a national youth convention for the church was held in the coastal town of Mombasa. Elections were to be held and my name was floated for national youth chairmanship. A close friend, whose father was a pastor, accompanied us to Mombasa. He had wanted his son to be the chairman and I stepped down for him, but the delegates would not agree; they knew I had been arm-twisted. My name was forced on the contestants’ list and I won. My friend, Sammy, sincerely had no qualms with that, but his father, a close friend to my father, was not very impressed. He started witch-hunting me, sending ladies to me to make me fall in sin so that he could blackmail me. I also learned that he had elaborate plans to even have me killed. But on the surface he showed a lot of love.
As a national youth leader, representing over half a million youths in Kenya, I got to know more about pastors, leadership in the institutional church among other games that are played by pastors to manipulate people and remain on top. Perhaps it was too early to be exposed to this. Above all, emptiness started growing in me. I did not see the Love of Christ in the church. Every effort to make a difference was met with opposition from the clergy, who would always call me “young and inexperienced”. I ultimately went through a burn-out and simply quit my position eight months later.
After quitting the position, woes were turned over to my father who got an impromptu transfer from a prosperous church to a far place, to go and plant a church. My father was an obedient man. It was hard but he went and I was with him. Favour from heaven followed us and within six months, the church had over 350 members, with a good percentage crossing the border from the neighbouring Uganda. It was unbelievable when he was transferred again to a more remote village under mysterious circumstances. I was unhappy and decided to leave the church and simply stay at home.
But Hebrews 10v25 kept bugging me. I needed fellowship and to get it I started searching for a ‘good church’, therefore moved to different churches. I read the Koran, and went to a mosque but my void remained unfilled. I read the Watchtower literature and books written by William Branham but did not get what I was looking for. I read the Book of Mormon and joined the LDS church, but still emptiness engulfed my soul.
When I was posted by the teachers’ service commission of Kenya to teach in a boys’ high school in Western Kenya, I tried to keep a low profile with regards to my beliefs. I wanted to remain very private and to myself. The Lord had kept me safe from going so astray even at that point of great darkness in my life. In the school (Anglican sponsored), there was a boy who was demon possessed and would wake up in the night, run around and smear his body with mud and sometimes faeces. The school administration maintained that he had psychological problems and kept taking him out for counselling. I knew exactly where the problem was but I kept off, never wanted to step in and help, for fear of getting out of my little self-made closet. Within no time, the young man was found by a neighbour who was not informed about his condition. The old man drove a spear through the boy’s neck and he died on his way to hospital. In my heart I knew my pride and negligence had caused this death. I simply couldn’t run away from this thought that kept taunting me.
The following Sunday I decided to go to church. A brother worshipped the Lord so well and while enjoying the Lord’s presence in the midst of it, getting what I had missed for a long time, the pastor steps right inside and stops the worship, asking people to give “while the anointing of the Holy Ghost is still around to get the greatest blessing”. I entered my wallet and emptied it all and walked toward the huge heavy white collection basket. Seeing how smartly dressed I was and how much money I gave, he stops me, to anoint me with olive oil. He has seen a good ‘customer’. Just before he lays his olive oil littered fingers on me, I hear a voice so loud and clear commanding me, “Stop him!” I stretched forth my hand and stopped his arm in the air before he touched my brow with the anointing oil. I stepped back and started walking away. His men followed me, jeering at the ‘demon’ in me. When one charged towards me, I clenched my fist ready to fight. They got scared and left me alone. I walked outside and went straight home.
Now I got even more confused. I was sure something was terribly wrong with me. Perhaps they were right, I had a demon; I thought to myself. But what about the voice that had commanded me to stop him? I lost all peace within me and went without food, and without prayer, into spiritual oblivion. The following day, while sitting in the staffroom at 10:00 a.m. with my colleagues, watching TV, there came an advert on the screen. A prominent bishop had lost his wife and there was an account number to send money to. The moment I saw that account information the previous day’s indignation overshadowed me again and I left my seat and walked fast to my apartment. Two colleagues, Mr. Simon Sitati and Francis Walukana followed me quickly. I felt it was time to share my feelings with somebody. So we sat in my bedroom and I told them what I was going through.
Amazingly they, especially Mr. Sitati, had experienced a similar crisis for a good number of years and had stopped going to church for years now because he had failed to meet the living Saviour in the church. Like me, Simon had moved from church to church seeking out something that no church would give. We talked the whole day and did not attend to our duties. And as we talked, I saw a light shine above my head. Finally, solace started coming to my soul. We resolved to start a fellowship for the three of us in my house. As we held hands to pray, the power of God came upon me. I felt the love of Christ all over my body, and tapped into something very new and special- the living presence of the Lord in fellowship. We started meeting on Fridays. Other teachers started joining us and soon, we were 20 people, with some teachers from the neighbouring schools also coming. A revival was happening in the school even among students, even when we hadn’t involved them in the new found thing that we were unable to explain even ourselves.
I started reading the Bible once more from Matthew chapter 1. By the time I read John 21v25, I had discovered so many things about the life and workings of the Lord that never crossed my mind before. I went back and read the four gospels again, making notes in my Bible. When I read these books the third time, I felt permitted by the Spirit to enter the book of Acts of the Apostles. I remember the night I read Acts chapter two. I was with my neighbour, Priscah and her three daughters. The power of the Holy Spirit came upon us. We worshipped through the night, and it was such a short night. Those young girls worshipped without stopping for eight hours. The Holy Spirit was working through them. I continued in study and Brother Simon, who stayed far from us and would not join us in the night started a fellowship at his house. When I visited with them, the power of God was so strong in the house that a man who was sick got healed. The Lord was starting to open his grace in an amazing way as I uncovered truths about His person and His New Testament church as opposed to what was being practised in the name of “church.”
One evening I was reading Acts 15v36- And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do. After reading these words I went to my computer and connected it to the internet, and googled “The New Testament Church”. There and then entered a new world. I discovered that we have others outside practising what I had just been discovering. I saw the site and when I entered there and read the things that were being written. Sleep left me for almost two weeks, and each night I dug and dug deep into the revelations that were found in the organic church movement. The Lord started linking me up with friends that I connected and webbed well with. Among the very fast people to connect so tightly with was Brother Clark Wade. And immediately, with all the naivety, I felt the need to go out and tell others and start simple churches in homes like it had happened in the New Testament time.
Luckily, schools were soon going on holiday and I would have a whole month to do what the Spirit had tasked me to do. Notable among the people that continued offering spiritual support, guidance and prayer were Brother Clark Wade from the Crescent City, California and Sister Rebecca Whetstine and her husband Mel. Brother Clark introduced me to Jack Fortenberry, who had written a book The Corinthian Elders which he sent me for free. When I read that little book, I got an illumination to the revelation of leadership in the New Testament church. I started going out and starting simple churches in homes, and everywhere we started a fellowship, the Holy Spirit was so fully present. Signs and wonders were being experienced, with people getting healed, prophesies being decreed about the marvellous work that the Holy Ghost was about to perform in Africa. In just one month, I helped start 14 fellowships across the country and all of them were on fire for the Lord.
I kept daily correspondence with Clark alive and his prayers and counsel were of great importance. Clark introduced me to Roger Thoman, a church planter who had already been to Africa. Later that year, I met Roger in Kitale with my wife and had three days’ training together. We felt more equipped for the work of the ministry but I felt directed to strengthen the existing fellowships and not plant more. For a space of two years I have worked with these home churches, learning leadership through experience, patience, prayer for the brethren, dealing with falling away, having faith for healing of those who are sick and afflicted, finance management etc. There was a recent addition and now they are 23 fellowships, all immersed in the living truths that come from the Holy Spirit.
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